Feeling, Seeing, & Shaping Belonging at WWU

Join Us

Students, faculty, and staff are invited to join the Office of Equity for a series of conversations  about the realities of being in community with one another and the challenges to build connections and to work across our differences.

Students are invited to pick up a free copy of the book Design For Belonging at the Office of Equity, Old Main 345. Registration is required.

Register and mark your calendars:

Conversation #1: Feeling Belonging
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
11:30AM, Wilson Library Reading Room
LUNCH starts at 11:00 a.m.


Conversation #2: Seeing Belonging
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
11:30AM, VU Multipurpose Room
LUNCH starts at 11:00 a.m.


Conversation #3: Shaping Belonging
Wednesday, February 27, 2025
11:30AM, VU Multipurpose Room
LUNCH starts at 11:00 a.m.

Intersecting circles create a bond between the words I We You Belong

Feeling Belonging Jan 29th

11:30 AM, Wilson Library Reading Room
LUNCH starts at 11:00AM

What does it feel like to belong? What does it feel like to be othered?

Join us for this community conversation, where you’ll take part in both individual and group activities to explore these important questions. Together, we’ll identify and reflect on what belonging and othering look like here at Western. Through sharing personal and collective experiences, we’ll gain a deeper understanding of how these feelings shape our community.

Register for Feeling Belonging 

Seeing Belonging FEB 12TH

11:30 AM, VU Multipurpose Room
LUNCH starts at 11:00AM

What does belonging look like? Where do you feel it?

In this community conversation, you’ll have the chance to take part in individual and group activities to explore what belonging truly means. Together, we’ll reflect on how we can create spaces that make others feel welcomed and valued. We’ll also discuss actionable steps we can take to strengthen our own sense of belonging and foster a more inclusive community.

Register for Seeing Belonging

Shaping Belonging FEB 27TH

Wednesday, February 27, 2025
11:30 AM, VU Multipurpose Room
LUNCH starts at 11:00AM

How can we foster a stronger sense of belonging at WWU? What personal actions can help make Western more inclusive?

In this conversation, we’ll explore practical ways to create a culture of belonging across campus. Through individual reflection and group activities, we’ll work together to develop clear, actionable steps that faculty, students, and staff can take to help shape a more welcoming, inclusive community at WWU.

Register for Shaping Belonging