Land Acknowledgment
A Land Acknowledgement is a formal statement that recognizes and respects Native peoples as traditional stewards of lands. The statement highlights the enduring relationship between Native peoples and their traditional territories.
Why We Recognize the Land
All land in Washington was once Indigenous territory, which is why it is our duty to acknowledge that, as one of the state's land-grant institutions, Western Washington University exists on Native land. It is important to understand the long-standing history that has brought us to reside on this land and to seek to understand our place within that history. Land acknowledgments do not exist in the past tense or historical context: colonialism is a current ongoing process, and we need to build mindfulness about our present participation.
It is also worth noting that acknowledging the land is Indigenous protocol.
Words from the Executive Director of the Office of Tribal Relations
I introduce myself in by my two ancestral name, Ses yehomia and tsi kuts bat soot. My English name is Laural Ballew, and I am the Executive Directorfor American Indian, Alaska Native and First Nation Relations/Tribal Liaison to the President.
As a Native woman, I appreciate Western Washington University has set the precedent for a land acknowledgement dedicated to honoring the Native people of this land. This is why I feel it is important to acknowledge the land we gather on during opening remarks. As Native people, we never owned the land but rather we appreciated the abundance and the beauty this land provided for our people, and we value this practice every day.
The land acknowledgement is not intended to be discouraging, but to fairly give recognition and understanding of the first inhabitants on this land. As we move forward, it is essential to continue the recognition of who the first people on this land were, and not forget the enduring gratitude they hold for the land, despite the “ownership.” In our eyes, this land has always been a gift and we hold that relationship sacred.
I invite you all to pledge to come into this space with a conscious effort and inclusive approach to the entire Western community and beyond.
American Indian/Alaska Native and First Nations Relations Executive Director and Tribal Liaison: Laural Ballew

When to use the Land Acknowledgement
We recommend providing the Land Acknowledgement at any WWU-sponsored event, whether on-campus, off-campus, or digital. We generally suggest reading or handing out the acknowledgement as part of the welcome comments at the beginning of any event.
We also suggest including the Land Acknowledgement in course syllabi, in WWU email signatures, and on any WWU-related website.
How to use the Land Acknowledgement
At WWU, the Land Acknowledgement Statement can be read aloud or distributed by anyone who wishes to use it — at public or private events — on university property.
Land Acknowledgement Statement
I would like to begin by acknowledging that we gather today on the ancestral homelands of the Coast Salish Peoples, who have lived in the Salish Sea basin, throughout the San Juan Islands and the North Cascades watershed, from time immemorial. Please join me in expressing our deepest respect and gratitude for our Indigenous neighbors, the Lummi Nation and Nooksack Tribe, for their enduring care and protection of our shared lands and waterways.
Bellingham: Lummi (LUM-ee) Nation and the Nooksack (NOOK-sack) Tribe
Anacortes: Samish (SAM-ish) Indian Nation and the Swinomish (SWIN-uh-mish) Indian Tribal Community
Everett: Tulalip (too-LAY-lip) Tribes, the Snohomish (snow-HO-mish), the Stillaguamish (still-uh-GWAM-ish) Tribe and the Sauk-Suiattle (SOCK-soo-AT-əl) Tribe
Kitsap Peninsula: Suquamish (soo-KWA-mish) Tribe and the Port Gamble S’Klallam (sk-LAL-um) Tribe
Olympic Peninsula: The Hoh (HO) Tribe, Jamestown S’Klallam (sk-LAL-um) Tribe, Lower Elwha Klallam (EL-wah KLAL-um) Tribe, Makah (muh-KAW) Indian Tribe, Quileute (KWIL-ee-oot) Tribe, Quinault (kwin-ALT) Indian Nation, Port Gamble S’Klallam (sk-LAL-um) Tribe and the Skokomish (sko-KO-mish) Tribe.
Seattle: Duwamish (doo-WAH-mish), Suquamish (soo-KWAH-mish), Nisqually (nih-SKWALL-ee), Snoqualmie (snow-KWAL-mee) and Muckleshoot (muck-ull-SHOOT) tribes.
Proper Pronunciations
Lummi (LUM-ee)
Nooksack (NOOK-sack)
Samish (SAM-ish)
Swinomish (SWIN-uh-mish)
Tulalip (too-LAY-lip)
Snohomish (snow-HO-mish)
Stillaguamish (still-uh-GWAM-ish)
Sauk-Suiattle (SOCK-soo-AT-əl)
Suquamish (soo-KWA-mish)
S’Klallam (sk-LAL-um)
Hoh (HO)
Elwha Klallam (EL-wah KLAL-um)
Makah (muh-KAW)
Quileute (KWIL-ee-oot)
Quinault (kwin-ALT)
Skokomish (sko-KO-mish)
Duwamish (doo-WAH-mish)
Suquamish (soo-KWAH-mish)
Nisqually (nih-SKWALL-ee)
Snoqualmie (snow-KWAL-mee)
Muckleshoot (MUCK-ull-shoot)