Bias Response Team
Notifying the Bias Response Team (BRT) of an incident
A student, staff, or faculty member can notify the BRT of a bias incident by completing and submitting the online notification form. Alternatively, you can notify the BRT by communicating directly with a member of the BRT, who will then complete and submit the online notification form.
If you are dealing with a safety, medical, or mental health emergency, please call 911. Do not use this form for help in responding to an emergency situation.
What is a bias incident?
A bias incident is language or an action that demonstrates bias against an individual or group of people based on actual or perceived race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity or expression, disability, sexual orientation, age, or veteran status.
Examples of bias incidents can include, but are not limited to, vandalism to personal or University property, defacement of posters, verbal slurs, and physical assault.
A bias incident may contribute to creating an unsafe environment or have a negative psychological, emotional, or physical impact on an individual, group, or community. A bias incident may occur regardless of whether there is an intent to cause a negative impact, and whether the incident constitutes a crime or violation of Washington law or Western policy.
The Bias Response Team was created by recommendation from the President’s Council on Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice and has been in existence since fall 2020. Since that time, new resources to better support Western’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts now exist through the Office of Equity and the Chief Diversity Officer. BRT reports to the Chief Diversity Office.
Bias Response Team Purpose and Function
The purpose of BRT is to enhance the university’s understanding of its environment and ability to create a safe and inclusive environment for all members of its community by collecting, monitoring, and reporting bias incidents. This data will be used to inform university decisions around educational, training, and professional development services.
The function of the Bias Response Team is to process and assess reports of bias and refer them to the appropriate unit/office for response. Furthermore, the team will continue to streamline communication among stakeholders to monitor and understand bias incidents on campus.
The BRT does not replace or supersede existing processes through the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance, Student Conduct, the WWU Counseling and Wellness Center, or University Police to investigate alleged violations of university policy or civil rights or criminal law. People may choose to notify the BRT of an incident and also report to University Police and/or the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX Compliance. The BRT’s role is one of support and education; the BRT does not impose discipline or sanctions.
Guiding Documents and Reports
- Recommendation to Create a Structural Equity and Bias Response Team
- President Randhawa’s charge to the Council on Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice for 2019-20
- 2020-21 Bias Response Team Report
- 2020-21 Structural Equity Team Report
- 2021-22 Bias Response Team Report.pdf
- 2021-22 Structural Equity Team Report
- 2022-23 Bias Response Team Report